
Recent Reviews

“At the age of 79, I have read many books and I have to say The Dance of the White Deer is magnificently written. I couldn’t put the book down and was drawn in by the characters in the book . . . I am looking forward to the sequel.” “At only several pages into this book I began to feel like I was seeing a movie. The characters are richly drawn and an emotional connection is quickly manifested. Even with prior knowledge of the tragedy that befalls Limery, I couldn’t help but hope it might be otherwise. At the…

Just for fun

A lot of people have told me that the characters in The Dance of the White Deer “come alive” and “are well developed.” This, of course, makes me a happy writer. I am a very visual person, and when I am creating characters it helps me to picture them in my mind, sometimes as celebrities, and sometimes as people I know in real life. Often the characters I create are combinations of people I have crossed paths with as well as people I have seen on the big screen. A person’s mannerisms, or the essence of who they seem to…


A few people have asked me when I am going to release the sequel to The Dance of the White Deer. I completed the sequel several years ago, and there are some revisions I want to make, but I am hoping to release it sometime this year. In 2023 I also plan to release some photo books, and I hope to start working on a new novel. I truly appreciate the enthusiasm for The Dance of the White Deer. When a reader asks about the sequel, or tells me they “couldn’t put the book down,” it encourages me to keep…

Upcoming Appearance at Pretty Good Books

About a month ago Northeastern Ohio author Chelsea Banning had a book signing and was sorely disappointed when hardly anyone showed up. She tweeted about her disheartening experience and was astonished when wildly popular authors such as Stephen King and Neil Gaiman responded to her and offered their encouragement. Chelsea’s story went viral and was featured by USA Today, NPR, and numerous other well-known news outlets, and her book shot to bestseller status. On January 28 Chelsea Banning will be having another book signing at the same bookstore where she previously experienced a disappointing turnout–Pretty Good Books in Ashtabula, Ohio….

Barn in Gustavus

This barn is located in Gustavus, Ohio, just a short distance from the small country cemetery where Frances Maria Buell is buried and also a short distance from the area where Maria lived with her stepfather, mother, and siblings, and also the spot where she was stabbed to death. I have taken many sunset photos of this barn, and when I do, I can’t help but think back to what this area must have looked like in the early 1800s. In those days, the residents of Gustavus were busy clearing the land for farming, and it probably wasn’t as wide…

Riverius Bidwell

Riverius Bidwell (1790-1871) was a well-known, well-respected early citizen of Gustavus, Ohio. He was Ira Gardner’s landlord and a key witness to the 1832-murder of 16-year-old Frances Maria Buel. Born in Connecticut, Riverius came to Gustavus in 1812 along with his family. He was described as a big, strong man, clad in simple but clean homespun, with a kind face under a wool or straw hat. (I think you can see the kindness and quiet strength in his face when you study the old portrait of him pictured below). In the early 1820s he was treasurer of Trumbull County, which…

Excerpt, Chapter Seven

“Aaron had often heard men talk of the white buck, heard them swear it was bad luck to shoot it. He had heard them say there had been generations of white deer around Prosperity Creek, and the Indians thought they carried magical powers. Some of the Indians had claimed if you dared to kill a white deer one of your family members would die within a year. Others claimed seeing a white deer was a sacred omen, a message sent from beyond the veil. And still others said it was miraculous that a white deer could live into adulthood in…